The guidelines for the state of Illinois are very clear and I am keeping updated on any changes. This is my commitment to you.
Enhanced cleaning procedures including 30 minutes between each appointment to deep clean the room and common areas.
Meeting or exceeding all state, local and regulatory guidelines relating to sanitation and hygiene. All disinfectants used are verified to ensure they meet the EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Staggered appointments to minimize social contact and optional check-in via phone call or text message to avoid gathering in waiting areas.
Temperature screenings at the start of their visit to guarantee a temperature of 100.4 or lower (in accordance with CDC recommendations) to ensure you are well and ready for your service.
All staff members will wear a mask when in the lobby, or in common areas.
Temperature check via a touchless thermometer prior to your service (Clients with a temperature of 100.4 or higher must reschedule their appointment with no late cancel fee or penalty)
Affirmation that you aren't sick or haven't been around anyone that has been sick
Wear a face mask (strongly encouraged for all clients for extra precaution and may be required based on state specific orders) This is currently not a requirement while face down on the table. If you would like a disposable surgical mask, one will be provided to you.